This is the first of a five part series on why you are losing money on Betfair.
Today we will be talking about how betting tips will end up losing you money.
Losing money is the most frustrating experience for a Betfair trader.
So today we are going to discuss what causes Betfair trading strategies to fail and, more importantly, how to solve the problem.
Number 1: Don’t follow Betting tips!
Now, if you have followed my Betfair training guides in the past you will know I’ve always said don’t follow betting tips.

Anyone who claims to always win and says they are a trading ‘guru’ that never loses almost always turns out to be a fraud.
Even if they are not a fraud, their Betting tips won’t help you in the long run, here is why:
If everyone was following their Betting tips the prices on those selections would lose their value very quickly. We know that money being bet is what iltimatelu moves the market prices. So, if all the money is being bet on one outcome, the price will inevitably move the way you don’t want it to, therefore, by the time you bet on it the value will be gone.
So actually, there’s no value in taking a tip that someone’s doing if everyone else under and everyone under the sun is backing it, it will not be value!
- If you’re backing something, the price will move in considerably.
- If you’re laying something, the price will drift considerably
I’ll give you an example.
Let’s take a lower league game. The match will have low liquidity. That means there is less money in the market than a game from a bigger league.
So let’s say I found this match in Stockholm today, a Swedish second division game. The home team is odds of 2.0 but I think they should be odds on.
Then that means there is value in this selection. So I give you this betting tip.

Here is what will happen
Now if everyone at Betfair Trading Community (500+ members) tried to back the same team then there is not enough money in the market to keep the price at 2.0.
So the odds will shorten as Betfair traders will be chasing their tails trying to get their bets matched.
So, inevitably, people will take those poor value shorter prices because they are following the betting tip and they are desperate to get on the bet.
They aren’t concerned about the price because a tipster they like said the selection was good value.
In this scenario Betfair traders have stopped thinking for themselves and are blindly following the betting tips of somebody else.
This is a huge problem, not only will it stunt your growth as a Betfair trader but it also will cost you money as you take a bad value bet!
However, I have some good news.
Here is the solution…
Create Your Own Strategies
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Now, we know a lot of you are really adverse to this, you don’t want to bother creating your own strategy. You just want the ‘easy way’ and to copy somebody else’s betting tips.
The problem with that is this, I could give you something that works today and as I have said, if everyone in on Betfair starts betting on it, it’s not going to work tomorrow. So you are back at square one!
You need to be able to develop your own strategies.
You need to develop that skill.
Yeah but how can you do that?
Betfair Trading Community offers professional training.
We train traders to become better traders not to follow betting tips. This will empower you to have the skills to make money yourself!
We also have software that helps you create your own strategies. We basically give you the tools you need to become a successful trader.
That is what will help develop you as a Betfair trader, and you will then have the power to make those selections yourself to find value selections yourself and not have to rely on someone else.
You can sign up here:
Remember, it’s never a good position to be fully reliant on someone else in betting.

Still Not Convinced?
What if suddenly the tipsters aren’t very good?
What if they have had an argument with their wife or girlfriend and suddenly they’re just having an ‘off period’.

What if something has changed and their betting tips are no longer any good.
You won’t know that straight away, so you will still keep backing their selections and you will lose money in the process.
So as we have seen there are a lot of problems with following tipsters.
The simplest solution is to create your own strategies with Betfair Trading Community.