Welcome back to another exciting episode of the Betfair Trading Community podcast! In today’s episode, we are diving deep into the fascinating world of trading on Betfair, as we learn from someone who has been at it for an impressive 17 years. Get ready to discover valuable insights, thrilling stories, and strategies that have stood the test of time.
Our guest, a passionate trader and gambler, shares with us how the thrill of beating the market, whether it be in trading or betting, has kept them hooked for all these years. They reveal the importance of finding value in odds and understanding the true probabilities of outcomes, using a captivating example from a tennis match between Andy Murray and Roger Federer.
But Betfair trading isn’t just about one sport. Our guest tells us how they’ve dived into the world of baseball, attending games and catching up with matches every morning during their research. They passionately argue that live sports are the best form of entertainment and discuss the diverse range of sports where people can profit, from dance to snooker, football to horse racing.
With 17 years of experience under their belt, our guest enlightens us on the countless ways one can beat the market and find an edge in Betfair trading. They show us how perceptions can significantly impact markets and explain how to profit from overreactions. And despite their extensive experience, our guest still finds the thrill and excitement in Betfair trading, enjoying the daily research and analysis that fuels their success.
But this episode isn’t all about trading and gambling. Our guest explores a thought-provoking topic: the modern-day workplace and the mistreatment that can occur within it. Drawing on their personal experiences working closely with the job center, they shed light on situations that may not be considered slavery but involve extreme and harsh treatment. They compare it to the difficult conditions faced by miners in their hometown, reminding us that there are still battles to be fought for fair treatment.
As the episode progresses, our guest delves into the intricacies of different strategies and markets, challenging listeners to think outside the box and explore new angles. They even give us a secret tip on how to profit from the worst strategies!
Throughout the episode, our guest emphasizes the importance of your feedback. They genuinely appreciate the positive responses they’ve received and encourage you to share your thoughts and suggestions directly with them. Your feedback helps shape the Betfair Trading Community and ensures that they continue to provide the best research, strategies, and software for horse racing, football, and tennis.
So, get ready for an in-depth journey into the world of Betfair trading, as we uncover valuable lessons, thrilling stories, and strategies that have stood the test of time. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just getting started, this episode is packed with powerful insights that will have you thinking about the markets in a whole new way. Let’s dive in and discover what 17 years of experience can teach us!
00:01:01 Passion for trading, value is crucial.
00:06:09 Value is key in profitable trading.
00:09:27 Testing strategies saves money and builds confidence.
00:16:10 Love for Betfair trading still thrills after 17 years
00:19:02 Working hard on social life, no work colleagues. Negatives exist, but positives outweigh. Flexibility, family time, own boss. No boasting, respect for less fortunate. Bought house with wife’s inheritance.
00:24:31 Baseball sparked interest; various ways to profit.
00:26:52 Reverse bad strategy, make money on Betfair.
00:30:19 Funny misperceptions of slavery and modern work.
00:33:19 Betfair training community gets better with software.
Key Topics & Bullets
- Introduction to the speaker’s passion for trading, gambling, and investing money
- Thrill of winning trades or bets and trying to beat the market
- Sharing key lessons learned from 17 years of trading on Betfair
- Importance of value in trading or betting
- Example of tennis match odds not reflecting true value
- Interest in baseball after attending a game in London
- Enjoying daily research and catching up on baseball games
- Live sports as the best form of entertainment
- Discussing various ways to profit from Betfair trading
- Different strategies and markets in diverse sports
- Challenging the perception that it’s all luck
- Countless ways to beat the market and find an edge in trading
- Amusement at how people’s perceptions impact markets
- Profiting from overreactions in the market
- Continued thrill and excitement in Betfair trading after 17 years
- Enjoying daily research and analysis of trades
- Favorite place to research trades
- Comparing current situations to historical slavery
- Witnessing mistreatment in the workplace
- Highlighting difficult conditions in mining industry
- Looking for alternative angles and strategies in betting
- Challenging a “worst” strategy and benefiting from it
- Making money by doing the opposite of a bad strategy
- Acknowledging Betfair’s longevity and positive feedback from listeners
- Appreciating positive feedback and motivation it brings
- Conducting surveys for feedback and improvement
- Balancing work and social life as a self-employed individual
- Valuing flexibility and freedom as own boss
- Disliking boasting on social media
- Importance of recognizing value in bets and consistent stake placement
- Profitability of betting on a 2 to 1 outcome
- Avoiding short odds without considering value
- Testing strategies to save money and gain confidence
- Understanding that all strategies experience downturns
- Examples of traders profiting from tested strategies
- Influence of people’s perceptions, fear, and overreactions on markets
- Markets driven by money and actions
- Profiting from market overreactions
Martin Futter [00:00:02]:
Hello, and welcome to another podcast from Betfair tradingcommunity.com. with me or host Martin. I’m gonna do a really special podcast today. Okay, guys. So strap yourself in buckle up. This is gonna be a long one, but it’s gonna be so worth it because today, I’m gonna be talking about the key things I’ve learned over the last 17 years of trading on Bedford. Wow. I cannot, you know, when I say that, I cannot actually believe how long it’s been and Hey, guys. I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned so much. you know, I never thought that 17 years ago, I’d be here doing what I’m doing today for a living. You know, I never thought that that fair would be my livelihood
Martin Futter [00:00:57]:
I never really thought of it as a long term thing. It was very much
Martin Futter [00:01:01]:
something I just enjoyed being involved with trading, gambling, you know, investing money. It was it was kind of a passion for me. There was there was nothing better than that thrill of winning a trade or a bet, you know, I suppose in the early days, most of what I did was just outright betting. but but there was something great about trying to beat the market and that assignment for me fortunately has never really died. I always will enjoy beating the market and I I still very much do. So I’m gonna talk about what the key key things are, that have really helped me in my journey and and I really hope this stuff resonates with you guys because I say this every podcast but this is probably the one where it matters most. I really want you to take the things I say on board. and apply them to yourself, apply them to your situation in your life and wonder, is there something I can do to improve it? Is there something that I can learn from this? I mean, hell, some of the hard lessons I’ve learned along the way, I’d rather you just learn them from me. that have to go through them yourself. so I’m gonna go through these. They’re not in a particular order. I’ve it’s very much been a case of me just writing down a few things that I’ve really learned over the years and so it’s gonna be really important for me, to be able to get this stuff out to you guys. And like I say, because there’s no water, you know, the structure isn’t necessarily, obvious, but the first thing I say is that value is king. Okay. The first lesson, probably the most important lesson I’ve learned on trading on Betfair is value is king. Now when you when you first start out, and I think most people will have experienced this. When you first start out betting or trading, You kind of you kind of have this idea if you wanna have value, you wanna have an edge on the market. but really you just end up betting things you think will happen. And often, you know, especially when it’s starting out, You do a little bit of research maybe, but you’re not you’re not making thorough research. You’re not. You haven’t really got a scientific mathematical reason. for what you’re doing. you know, you just go, well, I think man, United are gonna win today. What’s the odds? 1.5? Hell, I’m in. right? But you haven’t really thought too much about value. You haven’t thought, well, is that 1.5 the wrong price? and one of the things I learned in on Betfair with trading, betting, whatever you do, All that really matters is value, right, because events will happen, variance will happen, chance will happen, luck will happen, And the only way to counteract all those things is to have value on your side. So I’ll give you a really clear example what I mean and why I think it’s just so important. Let’s think about it in terms of over Let’s just say that there’s a match on, right, a tennis match. you know, let’s go back to the old days and say, Andy Murray playing Roger Federer. Okay. Let’s say it’s a grand slam final. Now I’ve done my research and I think Murray has about 50% chance to win, and I think federer has about 50% chance to win. Okay? I’m pretty split on who might win, and I don’t have a thorough leaning either way. However, Roger Federer is priced at 1.5. Murray is priced at 3.0. The market is suggesting that federal wins 66 percent of the time. Now my research, my knowledge, my understanding, and my thoughts are that should be closer to 50%.
Martin Futter [00:05:16]:
So it certainly shouldn’t be anywhere near 66%.
Martin Futter [00:05:20]:
So the edge there is saying, I should lay federer, the odds are too short, or back Murray, of course, essentially the same thing. at 3.0 where I’m getting 2 to one odds on something that I think is a fiftyfifty chance and should be even odds or 2.0 in decimal. Now, it’s funny because when you talk to people about this, sometimes they say, well, yeah, but I don’t know if he’ll win. I think it’s about 5050. The maths will always tell you if you think something is 5050 and you’re getting 2 to 1, take those odds, right?
Martin Futter [00:06:01]:
You’re not going to win it every time. If you’re correct, you will only win it 50% of the time.
Martin Futter [00:06:09]:
But 50% of 2 to 1 is a lot of profit in the long run. because you’re winning 2 out of 3 bets. Let’s say you put a pound on each bet. Every three bets, you’re one pound up. right? It’s as simple as that. And you keep racking that up. You use bigger stakes. That’s how you make money trading on betfair. And the reality is when it’s a coin flip, either player could win. You’re investing your money in a value position, knowing for well, there’s actually 50% chance it loses. Now a lot of people don’t like that. A lot of people can’t get their head around that. you know, and that’s one of the reasons why so many people will back a football team at really short odds. Oh, man. City are definitely gonna win today. Who cares about the price? it’s only 1.2, at one betfair. Well, that’s great. I’m just gonna love point anyway. They’re definitely gonna win. The problem is you’re not really getting value in that spot. You need them to win massive amount of times. I think I think even 5 out of 6, maybe you’re making a small profit. but even then, I think you’re just about getting your money back a lot of the time. So the reality is when you’re doing these things, you’re probably gonna cost yourself a lot of money when you’re backing something really sure are just because you think it’s gonna win. That’s not how trading works. That’s not how you’re gonna make a living trading. That’s not how you’re gonna make good money trading. The only way to make money trading, the only way is to find value. in markets. Get odds that are above what you think they should be and be correct about that.
Martin Futter [00:07:53]:
and value is king, and it’s amazing. I’ve had arguments with people over the years who just don’t believe me, who just don’t understand this concept. And it the reality is it’s not debatable.
Martin Futter [00:08:05]:
You know, it’s not a political opinion. It’s hard science and mathematics,
Martin Futter [00:08:12]:
and that’s what a lot of trading is.
Martin Futter [00:08:15]:
You know, if you can have that statistical edge, over the market, you will make money over time. It’s why there are such things as professional traders. It’s why there are such things as professional poker players. You know, it’s why investors who are good tend to make money over time consistently, right? Value is king. The second thing I’ve learned, testing is a godsend. So when I first started trading on Betfair, And I wonder how you started trading on Betfair. If you had a similar experience,
Martin Futter [00:09:00]:
never dreamt of testing something before putting money on it. I had an opinion. I’ve done some research. therefore put some money on it, right? The fact we can test the fact we can test things without risking money and watch whether strategies are any good or not. is the absolute godsend of Betfair trading because
Martin Futter [00:09:27]:
we save money if our strategy is not a good one. And if it is a good one, well, we can make more money because we have confidence in it. So we’re not gonna run scared at the moment. it has a little bit of a downturn, which every strategy will, by the way. There’s no strategy in the world that doesn’t have downturns. There’s no, again, you know, something that it really does irk me when you see people on, you know, whatever social media Twitter YouTube sometimes with it, claiming that no they’ve got this system that never ever loses. It’s total, total rubbish, right? All systems go through bad patches. Even the really good ones So at the moment anyone starts telling you they’ve got that, it never loses. Sometimes people say that to me now. I just that’s when my brain switches off and I just sort of go, Yeah. Right. because, you know, I’ve had so many arguments. And with these people, you just can’t argue with them, but the reality is that all all strategies losing. It’s absolutely fantastic that we can test so that when we do find a really good strategy that does win most of the time and does make money over time, we can have confidence and therefore we would be able to put proper stakes on it and not feel like we were doing the wrong thing. So testing can save traders a lot of money and it’s probably save. Traders. I mean, probably on our site alone, if you think the volume of traders we have, it’s probably saved 1,000,000 of pounds testing. And then the people who have developed their strategies and gone on to publish them or or just trading themselves, they’ve made you know, the equivalent amount of money. We know for a fact that traders on our site from their trading have made ridiculous amounts of money. mentioned a survey out about it a while ago and we’re actually quite staggered with the results because Obviously, we know quite a few traders do really well, and they’re on the forum. They’re posting regularly. But that’s but you you remember, you gotta Sometimes I forget that there’s so many people behind the scenes who aren’t who don’t even go on the forum who have developed filters, who use our software, on betfair tradingcommunity.com and they make a lot of money and that’s kind of good to know, you know, because the guys who the silent guys, you you kind of think, well, how are they getting on? That was actually quite nice to know that they’re still doing great as well. So, yeah, so it’s testing is an absolute godsend. My third my third thing I’ve learned is markets can be very predictable. Now I’m amazed that over the last 17 years, Betfair trading markets, haven’t really changed. Right? It’s still the same old thing. It’s still the same, you know, the odds move in the same way. lay the drawer in test cricket. There’s always super popular to for backers for some reason. even though we know it’ll make you money over time just laying the drawer, the market’s never caught up with that. the market slow to react to things that, you know, are quite clear and obvious sometimes like that. They don’t like to react. because the way Betfair markets work is that this kind of comes on to my next point. they don’t really work on raw hard data, which actually I think would make them more sufficient. and efficient. But actually, what Betfair trading markets use, essentially, because it’s just people trading and sometimes bookies laying off and things and people seeding the markets is people’s perceptions. See, these trading markets, a lot of the time, they’re they’re mainly built up from people’s perceptions. from over reactions, from fear. The reason people want to back the jaw and frick it is because they’re so scared of rain in a 5 day test. They’re so scared. And they think, oh, it’s raining. There’s no chance a test match could finish now. And Blind me, how many times have we seen the price get down ridiculously low? It’s 1.1 or below and then shoot way back out as soon as the covers come off. you know, I I joked that, sometimes our cricket trading Fred is a Weber trading Fred. You know, I’ve certainly made a lot of money following the advice, especially from Richard for today, if you ever get a chance to chat to him on there, do great, great cricket trader, but there’s there’s quite a few others now. so, yeah, really like that market. But like I say, odds makers surprisingly use people’s perception quite highly. And money and people drive the markets. It’s as simple as that. You know, sometimes in horse races, horses shoot in all this money on them. They run like they got free legs. There’s a lot of time you look at anything. There’s no true rhyme or reason to just the fact that money has gone in and bookies get scared. Everyone’s so scared almost in when they’re creating markets that someone else has got the better information. I remember 1, we actually tested this once on a next manager market on the Newcastle 1. I can’t remember who the manager was. It was someone. I think it was Colachini, and we’re and we’re That’s sort of been this rumour guy around that Konacini might be an ex Newcastle manager, and he’s huge odds. So everyone in the forum went, right? Let’s just put a few quid on. And we did, and the price crashed so quickly because of the fear because people thought we had inside info. We didn’t. Right? But the market went in loads. And then we all grained up, you know, because the reality was we knew it was still a bit of a stab in the dark. I mean, it seemed like a valued price. I think it was around 33 to 1, but the thing was I think it got down to well below 10 and and we were able to actually make a really nice profit on that market
Martin Futter [00:15:54]:
That is just purely people’s perceptions. It’s not the reality of the situation. But you often hear bookies say, oh, will someone put a 20 k bet on so we have to slash the price? Who? Could have been anyone? Could have been a footballer?
Martin Futter [00:16:10]:
It could have been a footballer just having a bit of fun because he makes $100 a week and it doesn’t really matter to him, you know, and probably equivalent to what, like, you know, 100 quid is to us. So it’s quite funny, I think, that people’s perceptions still drive markets massively. And that’s where we get outraged because the reality is I think if if they didn’t do it that way, we’d struggle But luckily, because we’re we’re clever enough to see the overreactions and things like that, we can make money. So what I love about Betfair trading is that after 17 years, it’s still a thrill. I still get up every day. And the first thing I do, and I can’t wait to do is research my trades for that day. You know, it always feels fresh. It always feels new. There’s something I don’t know. There’s something so fulfilling for me. about being able to do that. you know, like I say, it’s just such an exciting thing to do every day. you know, in like 7 in it for 17 years. I remember probably my favorite place. I used to go and research. It was back when I lived in my granddad’s old house. this is going in here. So I have this little box office. I used to go in there and set up my laptop, have my notes, you know, my paper notes next to me, go and research all the football and tennis that was on that day. And that was brilliant. you know, and and and still to this day, I love doing that. I love getting up and they’re right. What’s it? It’s like looking at a menu in a restaurant for me. You know? Yeah. Right. What’s on the menu today? Where’s the money to be made today? I love it. It’s it’s it just excites me a lot. Trading never gets dull for me. You know, I feel like I don’t I don’t often go, come on. They bought a trading.
Martin Futter [00:18:12]:
I don’t know, I don’t know what it is. I love sport, which helps. I love live sport.
Martin Futter [00:18:18]:
But yeah, trading doesn’t get dull for me, and I think I think the love of what you do is so important. You know, I’ve met so many people over the last few years who’ve said to me, Martin, I can’t stand my job. I wish I was doing anything else. I hate it, but it pays the bills and I have to do it. I always find that hard. I always find that hard to hear because, you know, partly because I feel guilt. because I know that my lifestyle, a lot of people would like it and envy it.
Martin Futter [00:18:57]:
but at the same time, there’s, you know, you’ve gotta remember there’s positives and negatives to everything.
Martin Futter [00:19:02]:
I have to make sure, I have to make damn sure I work hard on a social life because I don’t have work colleagues as such. You know, I’ve got friends on the community, but I don’t have work colleagues, you know, face to face. so, you know, there are there are negatives, but of course for me in the positive far outweigh those and and I think most people would would would prefer to be in this position who, but you know, and and the value of being able to spend time with your family, being able to spend time with your loved ones, to be flexible you know, no one tells me when I work and how to work, I’m my boss, alright? I’m my own boss completely. and there’s something there’s something, you know, there is something freeing about that. And I’m careful. I try and be really careful. I don’t I don’t try and boast. I don’t try and brag. I can’t stand people who do that. You know, you see them on on social media. And, a, a, I always think people like that, and doing as well as they make out because I just think when you’re doing well, you don’t tend to boast massively about it. There’s no real need. because I think things like that come from insecurity, don’t they? I think that’s quite well known. but also, you know, have some respect for the people that aren’t as fortunate because I think you know, I’ll give you an example of this actually, and that and this is definitely something I’ve learned is that when I first bought a house, when I was it was only about 8 years ago. there’s in Solford, a place called Lower Rawton. If anyone knows it, and lovely little semi, three bed semi, cost me 70 k. I think I put down a 15 k deposit. because my wife had some money left to her in a will. So, you know, nothing from me. but to be fair, I did I did pay the mortgage and things once I got a job.
Martin Futter [00:21:12]:
but I’m so excited to have this house, right? I was so excited
Martin Futter [00:21:16]:
that I used to just get people over and when people came over, I couldn’t wait to give them the tour. And then I realized most of the people I would share it around because I was still in my early twenties, they were in a similar situation to me. motion didn’t have a house.
Martin Futter [00:21:37]:
So I got to realize, actually, was what I was doing, a nice thing, or was it was it a kind of ego? What what? Do you know what I mean? Like, was it an ego thing? Was it was it a trying to I didn’t feel like that was the place I was coming from, but I could see that if I didn’t have a house and someone’s banging on to me about how great the house was,
Martin Futter [00:22:00]:
I wouldn’t like it. You know, I feel like a bit like crap. You know what I mean? So
Martin Futter [00:22:06]:
and that’s a similar thing here. You know, I’m very careful. It’s funny because because I play a lot of tennis up here in the northwest,
Martin Futter [00:22:14]:
in the tennis leagues and things, and absolutely love it. And you know, whenever you’re hanging out, I don’t know what it’s like for women, but whenever you’re hanging out with guys, pretty much the first thing a new personal ask is, so what do you do? You know?
Martin Futter [00:22:29]:
and then I get into it and,
Martin Futter [00:22:32]:
but I’m always careful not to kind of try and say, oh, well, you know, it’s it’s a very comfortable lifestyle. I really enjoy it. I get to pick my own hours, spend time with my kids, You know, so I think that’s something I’ve learned from Betfair trading. you know, and trading never gets dull for me. It really doesn’t. Okay. The next thing I’ve learned in 17 years of trading on Betfair is. Live Sport is the best entertainment. See, the thing is nothing beats live sport. And do you know why? Because it’s live? Because you do not know what’s gonna happen because nobody knows what’s going to happen.
Martin Futter [00:23:22]:
You watch your stenders. Someone wrote that script. they recorded it. People know what’s gonna happen before you even watch it. It’s all predetermined. He goes to the theater unless someone forgets their lines, it’s a similar situation.
Martin Futter [00:23:42]:
You play computer games. Again, it’s all been pre programmed. It’s all been prepackaged for you. But there’s something about that that kind of just that live action that you can’t be you know, you just cannot beat it. I mean, 17 years, I can say, I I look sport as much as I ever did. It’s funny because the sports I like evolve over time, like American Football is my favorite sport to watch. I absolutely love it. obviously, football is massive for me and always has been
Martin Futter [00:24:22]:
but then I used to watch a lot more tennis back in the day, but I don’t watch as much now. Same with Crooked.
Martin Futter [00:24:31]:
I started watching more baseball recently because I went to watch the baseball game in London a couple of years ago. So that kinda got me into that, and I quite enjoy catching up with the night’s games every morning while I’m doing my morning research. So it’s really interesting, isn’t it? That live sport can be the best entertainment there is. And there’s so the thing with Betfair trading is that I hate this saying that what I’m about to come out with actually, but There’s so many ways to skin a cat. Right. There’s so many ways to profit on wet food. There’s so many different strategies, market, sports, And I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen people making money on dance. I’ve seen people making money on snooker. I’ve seen people coming up with elaborate strategies in in football tennis cricket horse racing. It’s amazing how many ways there are to beat the market to find an edge. Some people try and tell you, like, you can’t. It’s hilarious because you see these people doing it day in and day out. And then someone will say, oh, well, you know, it’s all luck and you think, well, it’s not, is it? Quite clearly. I mean, even if you have a basic understanding of math man, If you’re pushing a value edge over thousands of bets over time, you’ll make money. It it really is that simple. you’d have to be the literal, unluckiest person in history, and the odds against you not making money, you know, close to infinity. after all those amounts of bets. but, yeah, there’s so many ways to skin the vetfare cat.
Martin Futter [00:26:13]:
I hate that saying that. I mean, who’s actually skinning cats? You know, who’s regular? I mean, I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone. I’ve never met anyone who skinned a cat.
Martin Futter [00:26:23]:
Martin Futter [00:26:25]:
you know, are there are there that many ways to do it? I’d imagine they’re all fairly similar. You know, but there you go. I mean, I imagine you just have to cut the skin off. Right?
Martin Futter [00:26:35]:
I don’t know where that saying came from. Maybe I’ll look it up. Maybe I should have looked it up before this video. this podcast, so it would have been more interesting. but yeah, there’s so many ways to skin the Betfair Cut. So, you know, if something doesn’t work for you, Don’t just give up.
Martin Futter [00:26:52]:
Look, try and look for other angles. I always love the one where someone comes up to me, oh, my strategy is the worst strategy in the world. So I say to them, give me that strategy then. because I’ll tell you what, instead of backing, whatever you were backing, I’m gonna lay it. because if that is as bad as you’re saying, I’m gonna make money. And there’s nothing wrong with it. If you health, if you’ve got a terrible strategy, just do the opposite and make some money, you know, instead of backing away. Because mathematically, as long as you’re beating the rake, which is the commission that Betfair charged, the 2%. I mean, if you have got a terrible strategy, you’ll beat that easily You’re until winter by doing the reverse of what you’re originally doing. It makes me laugh that when people complain. I said, don’t complain about it. That’s a gift. You’ve been given a gift there. Get involved and do the opposite. One more thing, another thing I’ve learned. bet fair is here to stay. Right? It’s funny because 17 years ago,
Martin Futter [00:28:05]:
I knew that Betfair had a monopoly on the trading market, even then, but I never really realized how big it would get And then seeing all these other trading companies like Smarkets and bet that come along, you think, Alright. Maybe they’ve got a chance. Sometimes they they do well for a little while, but but it’s always back to bed fair. and now they’ve kind of changed their commission structure, you know, other than the premium charge, which obviously most people don’t get to and you know, the clever people find ways around it. really, there’s no other alternative you know, viable alternative betfair is here to stay.
Martin Futter [00:28:50]:
And that’s good news, right? Because when we set up betfairtradingcommunity.com,
Martin Futter [00:28:56]:
you know, we wanted to tutor traders. We wanted to create software that was gonna help you guys all trade. We were kind of taking a bit of a punt in some back and going, well, let’s hope it’s around for a while. And it’s just gone from strength to strength and it’s not going anywhere, and it never will. You know, it’s gonna become like when you see William Hill and people like that. You’ve been around for donkey’s years. that’s essential bet for us. That’s what eBay is. That’s what Amazon, these these companies aren’t going anywhere. and actually that’s quite reassuring because, you know, it means hopefully I’ve got a career till I retire hell, I love this so much. I don’t really want to retire,
Martin Futter [00:29:39]:
Martin Futter [00:29:41]:
And then this is the sort of job where you don’t really need to are until you literally cannot use your brain much anymore or your fingers to, you know, place the audio by then, surely, well, I’ve really clever ways of placing clicking and placing bets and things.
Martin Futter [00:30:01]:
But Beth says here to stay.
Martin Futter [00:30:05]:
One other lesson I’ve learned There’s great value in freedom. It’s funny because everyone complains about their job. The way they describe it, it almost sounds like slavery.
Martin Futter [00:30:17]:
Right? And
Martin Futter [00:30:19]:
it’s funny because we don’t we don’t really think of slavery correctly anymore. We kind of think of it as just what used to happen in the old days, and we’re talking about real extreme, horrible, harsh slavery, So the kind of stuff that goes on now that’s that’s almost like borderline, it’s not it’s probably been not really slavery, but some of the stuff people have to go for at work, the way they’re treated, you know, the way that when you’re ill and things like that, you’re and I’ve seen a lot of this stuff firsthand. I used to work with very closely with the job center and places like that. you know, some of the things that go on beg of belief, you know, I remember one guy, he had these he had these really messed up arms right? and they they actually suggested and put him on a on a one of these kind of courses. one other course, but a sort of work placement for gardening. You can’t make it up. You know, But yeah, the the thing is, obviously, this stuff isn’t really slavery and it it, you know, it’s it pales in comparison to what previous generations went through. I even think about people like the miners, you know, here in here in Wiggan where I live, you know, going down in those pits all day to make next to nothing, you know, breathing in all those toxic fumes and things. I mean, crikey. What a way to live?
Martin Futter [00:31:53]:
but the freedom, like I say, I’ve been able to choose my own hours, spend time with my family. You’re a party? I wanna go. I go. Hey. You wanna watch some sport? Yeah, I do. Should I book time off work? Right. I don’t need to. I used to book off Wimbledon when I had a job. I used to book off 2 weeks. I used to book off World Cups. That was how I chose my holidays.
Martin Futter [00:32:20]:
you know, I didn’t really have any money, so I wasn’t going abroad or anything. I didn’t really have any interest in going abroad. My interest was watching sport. you know, I lived and breathed it. And, there’s great, great value in that freedom, and that’s just
Martin Futter [00:32:36]:
I cannot stress that enough, you know, and,
Martin Futter [00:32:41]:
hell, there may be a time I have to go back and work at a regular job. but I’ll tell you why it’s gonna be difficult. I’m not gonna enjoy it because I love having freedom. So the final thing I’ve learned from Betfair trading, and I love this thing, is that the best is yet to come.
Martin Futter [00:33:04]:
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last 17 years, particularly the last 6 years I’ve been involved with Betfair trading community this. It just keeps getting better, right? The members
Martin Futter [00:33:19]:
the Betfair training community just get better, better people, better knowledge, better research, better strategies, better data analysis. We’re making better software all the time updating it, horse racing software, football software, tennis software. Who knows what’s next? The greatest thing about Betfair trading for me is it still feels like it’s just beginning? 17 years down the line and we’re here still creating you know, software that’s doing in my opinion, basically magical things for my personal trading. I mean, Obviously, I know from the feedback we get that it’s doing so many great things for you guys as well, which is great because that’s that’s what what it was created for, but I benefit from it as I benefit from it as well. And it’s amazing because I get so excited every time something’s updated or a new piece of software is released. and it’s funny because obviously Betfair trading community started as the social network of traders, you know, serious traders who really want to make some money from trading. And then obviously the software side has kind of taken over and it’s incorporated itself into into the business structure that so much so that, you know, we probably call ourselves a software company before we call ourselves, you know, the social network of trading now. because we’ve integrated it all together so nicely and seamlessly, that I think whilst we still got that massive focus on the community, the software’s taken it. I mean, I did this, and this isn’t just me now. it might sound arrogant, but it’s not me being arrogant. I did a I did a, survey on YouTube, right? I like YouTube for surveys because
Martin Futter [00:35:20]:
I can I can survey members, and it’s great to get feedback,
Martin Futter [00:35:24]:
but I know most of them are just gonna come back and say, love the site, love what you’re doing. They’re members. Of course they are. Course they do. Right? That’s great. I’m really I’m really pleased that it’s working for you guys. What I like about YouTube is that most of the people who respond, they might not even know what Betfair training community is, and they might not well, most of them probably aren’t members. Right? But so it’s interesting. I did a survey, and I said, what’s your favorite thing about Betfair trading community? And the overwhelming thing was the software, the football statistic software, the tennis statistics software, soon to be the horse racing statistics software were the really big winners there. So the best is yet to come, guys. I’m gonna leave it there. I hope you have an absolutely brilliant week. I’ve really enjoyed doing this particular podcast. If you like it, send us an email info, but tradingcommunity.com. Remember to direct it at me so that it gets to me, just say hi Martin or something. So, you know, Julie, our admin assistant can tag me in so I can reply to you guys personally. but, yeah, thanks for the kind feedback. I said every time, but, you know, you guys send me so many great emails and I really do appreciate it because it’s what keeps me going. Anyway, take care, guys. Have a great week, and we’ll speak again soon.