Trading Plan

NEW – Turn a Losing Betfair Trading Strategy into a Winner! 5 Step Plan

NEW – Turn a Losing Betfair Trading Strategy into a Winner! 5 Step Plan

You can turn a losing Betfair Trading Strategy into a winning one. Here are the 5 steps needed to do that!

How To Win At Football Betting or Football Trading on Betfair – 5 Step Plan

How To Win At Football Betting or Football Trading on Betfair – 5 Step Plan

If you follow this football trading guide you can win at Betfair Football Trading. This five step plan has all the information you need!

Betfair Trading Strategy Edge Calculator – Superb A/E Stat Explained!

Betfair Trading Strategy Edge Calculator – Superb A/E Stat Explained!

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Podcast 167: How To Get Trading To Pay You Like A Job!

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Podcast 135: What I’ve learnt from 17 years trading on Betfair!

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Podcast 170: How To Improve Your Football Trading Strategy!

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Podcast 126: How An Experienced Trader Selects Their Trades

You Are Only As Good As Your Mind Lets You.

You Are Only As Good As Your Mind Lets You.

Everything you need to know about building a trading strategy and having the mindset of a betfair professional

You Need To Get Better At Not Trading To Be Able To Trade.

You Need To Get Better At Not Trading To Be Able To Trade.

Every losing trader on Betfair I have seen trades things they shouldn't, this post is about stopping that and getting better at trading.