It’s time to confess and own up to something.
I’m stopping trading for good on Betfair.
I will no longer be trading on Betfair. No more trades for me. I will still have trades on the exchange though. Want to know how the hell that will work?
Keep reading.
Me owning up time. I’ve said for years that automation is the future of trading. But I’ve done jack S**T about it really a couple of failed attempts here and there.
BUT now that changes. A while ago I spoke with Adam and said something along the lines of ‘Adam, can you build me something that can automate trades I find in the BTC software.’
*** He looks confused like of course I can Ryan! ***
Therefore that’s what he did, he built me an automated bot, one that can take the trades the Betfair Trading Community finds (depending on my filters, that is, remember we aren’t tipsters!).
So that’s what I am doing. I am going ALL IN! I am stopping all my trading and will let a computer handle it for me!
Why the hell would you STOP trading on Betfair?!
Because sometimes we need change. I’ve been around this world for a very long time, I’ve seen a lot of people come and go (I know some would wish I would p**s off as well mind! Sorry but that ain’t ever happening!) and a lot of change in that time. Change isn’t always bad.
Sometimes it’s needed and in this case it really is needed. You see when I started Betfair Trading Community it was exactly that, a community. If you would have told me all those years ago that we would have built what we have, well I wouldn’t have believed you.
In those nearly 10 years, Ive made some amazing friends, helped a lot of people and built some amazing software. Software that many of you reading this have used and seen how powerful it can be, it’s making finding trades easier, faster and well better.
My own life has changed pretty drastically as well. One of the observations I am seeing now is that technology has opened up this trading on Betfair world.
We now get a lot of people who are looking to create extra income and wanting to use Betfair trading or sports trading as that option. It’s become more viable now and not so frowned upon – I remember people used to just think I was a gambler.
BUT what I am also seeing is the same thing that is going on in their lives as is in mine. A young family. I could still trade, but as I keep telling people automation is the future & seeing members and others using automation to make profits on Betfair & I already have the software to find selections, so why aren’t I doing it?
I’ll be following my Super Trader Framework to build my automated strategies – want it free?
Well now I am. I know I need to go all in as well. No half measures. By sharing it warts and all as well hopefully it will inspire others to see how it can be or what might be the case, not done.
So that’s what I am doing.
I’ll also admit I’m scared, like 💩 scared. What if this doesn’t work? What if it does? It’s new and that’s scary. I don’t like change.
How will I do this then?
Well I am going to do this in public as well, I am going to share the results on the blog and podcast & newsletter. I will be starting small, one strategy initially is about to be loaded into this & I will be starting with a small bank and building it up – hopefully!
You want to know how I am getting on with this? I’ll be updating the blog periodically and I will include information on the email newsletter as well.
I’ll be putting more focus on the email newsletter over the next few months as well. You’ll see me less on YouTube (some will LOVE this!) but maybe one or two might miss me!
You can make sure you are on that here: Super Trader Email Newsletter